On Wed, 16 Aug 2006 15:29:00 -0700, an old freind wrote:
Text Medium No. 5 wrote:
Hail Eris! On Fri, 11 Aug 2006 09:16:13 -0700, marqueenie_von_dork
jabbered inanely:
YOU,otoh, have gone out of your way to post gay filth here. I have
copies of YOUR posts to prove it. YOU are not welcome here you filty
aren't you in violation of the states sodomy laws??
Keep it up. I see many k00k awards in your future, you busted urinal.
and in his past he is Roger Wisemen sometimes called Woger
Figures that a hypocrite like him is the one complaining about "filth".
BTW, put an empty line between your words and the one to whom you're
responding. Makes you easier to read. Oh, and that's "Wiseman", and a
more inappropriate surname could not be imagined...
__________________________________________________ ________________________
Hail Eris!
Not Richard Scoville
Richard M. Scoville is explicitly denied the right to archive any of my
posts, under any of my nyms, on his site, FreeSpeechStore.com
"It's claiming authority based on absurd myths and fantasy beings - that
creates anger." -- Kurt Gavin