On Wed, 16 Aug 2006 12:46:07 -0700, an old freind wrote:
Roofshadow wrote:
PamelaKay (Michael Jackson fan MORE THAN EVER) wrote:
Sneaky **** ignorantly asks"What 'YOUR people' are you talking
YOU know.
Wow... the crazy never stops with you does it?
You posted this at 7:18 in the morning and were so drunk that you
obviously had even less of a clue about what's going on than usual (and
that's saying something!)
Go ahead Pam - just let yourself slump down sideways on the sofa and
sleep it off.
cease and desist
What's the matter, Mark? Weren't you already sufficiently pathetic as a
net.KKKop? Now you make common cause with the f'loons, too?
__________________________________________________ ________________________
Hail Eris!
Not Richard Scoville
Richard M. Scoville is explicitly denied the right to archive any of my
posts, under any of my nyms, on his site, FreeSpeechStore.com
"It's claiming authority based on absurd myths and fantasy beings - that
creates anger." -- Kurt Gavin