N9OGL: Exceeding the Part 15 EM limitation for fun and profit
Mr. Hammington wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
Roger Wiseman AB8MQ, posing as "Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote:
Herb wrote:
"Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote in message
patrick jankowiak wrote:
Stagger Lee wrote:
2. The power density is related to the electric field and the
impedance of free space (120*Pi) by the formula Pd = e^2 / (120*Pi).
Thanks for the reminder on the calculations. Funny but a couple of my
younger colleagues who think themselves quite the electronics men
still do not think 'space' has an impedance. There is nothing there,
after all.. That is what too much PCB layout/CAD work wioll do to one.
Too Bad Saggytits had to cut and paste the "calculations", he didn't
know them himself. The only space Saggytits knows about is the one
between his dumbo ears.
That is why we always register for Pwofessow Woger's classes on
negative VSWR and especially his classes on RMS voltage.
Yet he didn't have to cut and paste from another website and add a few
comments so it looks like he wrote the whole thing like you did.
I saw no evidence that he did so, Rog. Can you provide links to where
we can find the originals?
us again how Eric Clapton wrote "Layla" for your ex streetwalker wife
instead of George Harrison's wife, stupid.
You seem to be laboring under some confusion, Roger. I didn't write the
material to which you responded. I've posted under no sock puppets,
ever. Don't measure others by your standard.
I don't have an ex-streetwalker wife. Since I know how my wife spells
her name, I'd hardly have been mistaken about the origina of the Clapton
song, especially since my wife was in adolescence when the song was
released, Stupid.
Pwofessow Woger has perfect attendance at ARES meetings in
his area.
So do you hiding behind your hideous ex streetwalker wife, lisping
"So do you hiding..."? Let's see: My wife never worked as a
streetwalker; I've never hidden behind her. I don't lisp. You're
batting .000, Rog. If you'd like to test your little theory that I'd
not meet you face-to-face, I'm more than willing to participate. You
and I can have a real heart-to-heart.
Have you ever been confined in jail or a mental institution, Rog?
Now, am I "Herb" or "Stagger Lee" or "Patrick Jankowiak"?
Dave K8MN
No Dave you're not them. You're just a cowardly asshole.
I'm sure that your ilk thinks that anyone who stands against the likes
of you, is an asshole. Cowardly is one adjective that you can't use in
describing me.
Maybe one day
I'll have the pleasure of a face to face talk with you.
For that to happen, you'd have to show up. We both know that isn't
likely to happen.
Maybe we can
watch Roger bang your whore!
Oh, I'm sure that there'd be some banging on somethin'. It just won't
be on my wife. Of course you already knew that.
Dave K8MN