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Old October 7th 03, 08:03 PM
Ken Gunton
Posts: n/a

How well is your system grounded? I had the same problem a few
years ago, and re-doing my ground wires completely eliminated it.

On 4 Oct 2003 01:12:36 GMT, Dick Carroll wrote:

N0DG wrote:

My MC-60 has bad RFI operating on 40 meters. I have done the usual jumpering

pins 7 & 8 (PTT gnd and mic gnd) but did not help. It only shows up when I
touch a metal part on the mic. The best advice so far is to wear rubber
surgical gloves to operate on 40. OH I did try the ferrite on the coiled

that did not help either.
What next?
Don N0DG

Don, does it do this when you transmit on a dummy load? If not
I'd start looking for trouble in the antenna system. Maybe try a choke
balun at the feedpoint?

73, Dick W0EX

Ken Gunton WB6QWF ken att ohiomicrowave dottt commm
Ohio Microwave
Microwave and RF Components to 110 GHz