some explanation since Robeson has choosen to renew his assult on th NG, and me which will be repaeted and reposted till he gets the message
DrDeath wrote:
"K4YZ" wrote in message
an old friend wrote:
I will resist it.
I am adivised I have legal right to do so, indeed should any news
provider be persauded to terminate my access i t would give me the one
thing my lawyer lacks to assure me of a postive result in litagation
against Robeson and other parties.
Robesonn can stopp his assualt anytime
he can choose to leave or (I hope) he can choose to enage in discussion
of radio related issues on the NG
Same old spam.
Steve, K4YZ
Markie-tard can't afford a lawyer with his SSI check.
what SSI check you seem to suffer the same delsuions as Robeson