Sam -- most of what is posted on is Ham related I
would say 90% of posts are Ham related
But will have some non ham stuff which could be of interest to hams -- such
as on todays listings
filament transformers, SW Receivers, some commercial gear which might be
modded, etc.
One will see scanners, SW gear, broadcast gear, etc.
But overall a good place for Hams to visit to post FS, FA, WTB, WTD, etc.
Some folks get upset with the FA posts as it usually takes one to e-bay,
but hey maybe you will find that rare rare item there
such as a Knight R-100 Receiver -- not all that rare really --
but more likely to appear on e-bay as a FA than a FS on
And one must keep in mind is free and unmoderated.
As an alternative, Yahoo and others have Ham items for sale see URL:
And of course good old E-Bay -- I have found rare items there that I have
never seen else where.
Example a Kenwood Grid Dip meter -- hard to find. I looked for years for
this beauty.
Lots More swap shops at URL:
Includes Price Guides
73 From Key Largo
"Sam Taylor" wrote in message
On Wed, 8 Oct 2003 08:01:38 -0700, "Key Largo"
Thank both You and howard for letting Me know
i will post on rec radio swap.
It sure would Be nice to have a Ham only Swap site though
I like following the Rules, so I do apologize for the 2 posts
Hi Sam -- this NG is intended for discussing equipment technical issues
swap, buy, want sell, etc.
Selling buying wanted belongs at
See guidelines at URL:
The various categories are an attempt to bring order out of the chaos.
We don't want to see a swap post on all 15 Radio NG's !!!
One will do just fine at
Many don't know or don't honor the guidelines and post to all groups and
since this group is unmoderated -- your post should appear as I see 20 or
more buy, sell, swap. etc over the last several weeks.
And there is no moderator to enforce the guidelines.
Your message came thru so it is not "How come I cannot post a wanted to
buy Message on this newsgroup?"
But rather should I post here? The guidelines will clarify that should
decide to honor the guidelines.
Not playing NG cop --- just FYI since u asked the question
"Sam Taylor" wrote in message
I cannot post a wanted to buy Message on this newsgroup?
What did I do ?
Sam KO6JQ a Ham since 1956