Poor Uneducated Roger
"Not Lloyd" wrote in message
Rog is acting even less stable than is his norm. Two days ago he
believed that I was Stagger Lee. Yesterday he thought Lloyd Davies was
Stagger Lee. Today he seems convinced that I am Stagger Lee.
He's even inventing new words like "henpeckhim". He has a fixation on
prostitution and animal sex. The UnWiseman may be headed back to the
funny farm.
Wog has a few "issues" that the rest of us are, fortunately, not burdened
with. For us to walk in his shoes would require that we be in the working,
mentally dysfunctional world in which he exists.
Roger is clearly delusional. His cranial activity seems to be disrupted by
random electrical synapses that occur whenever he touches a keyboard.
In short, his brain misfires more often than not.
Two days ago you were Stagger Lee. Yesterday Lloyd was Stagger Lee. Then
along comes the 'real' Stagger Lee who posits real and to the point
mathematical equations and Roger, unable to understand same, accuses
of plagiarism.
It never occurred to Roger that just maybe Stagger Lee knows of which he
speaks, since Roger has not the education to understand and is, himself, a
renowned plagiarist.
It is a hoot to see Stagger Lee get the best of Roger at every turn.
Lee is clearly Roger's mental superior.
Roger is educated. He has mail order undergraduate and
graduate degrees from DeVry & Belmont Tech. Roger's
Masters thesis on negative vswr and RMS voltage are
considered industry standards in these exciting new
theoretical worlds of virtual imagination.
Mr T