lube for telescoping antenna?
Steveo wrote:
Hello Steveo:
The Pam cooking spray is a really neat low cost hi temp luracant.
After cutting a bunch of Aluminum Tubing you want to order fried chicken
from the smell of the pam cooking spray.
Yeah it don't make its own gravy, I will call em and have em work it!
Hope all is well!
Jay in the Mojave
Jay in the Mojave wrote:
Use Pam cooking spray. I use it on my aluminum tubing saw, paper
shreader, ban saw, and many other items. It can be used to lube the
Telescoping Chrome surface of the antenna. Spray it and let it set over
night, then slowly run the antenna up and dowm, then wipe off the excess.
Jay in the Mojave
Works well.
It doesn't make its own gravy though..