From: Slow Code on Fri, Aug 18 2006 4:26 pm
" wrote in
From: Pin-medic on Fri, Aug 18 2006 10:30 am
I agree Bob, and maybe we'd have better operators as a result.
Considering the waning interest in our dying hobby though, all that
would probably do is eliminate even more operators from the ranks,
leading the FCC to reduce our bands even more by selling them to the
highest bidder.
1. The FCC has NOT "reduced 'your' bands," nor is it somehow
threatening to "sell them" to anyone. Had you bothered to
look at this process of AUCTIONING certain COMMERCIAL bands
and the Congressional laws establishing it, you would have
seen that it does NOT apply to radio amateurs.
Hey, "Slow," no comment on that?
2. Since WARC-79 'you' have gotten MORE BANDS and that has
increased up to a few years ago when 'you' got the five
60m channels.
3. There doesn't seem to be any "waning interest" in USA
amateur radio considering the overall licensee numbers.
The newcomer licensees are - just managing - to keep the
licensee numbers in numeric bouyancy, almost keeping pace
with those letting their licenses lapse. See www.hamdata.
com FCC data page.
Still no comment, "Slow?" :-)
1: No more automatic renewals. Individuals must retest and
pass all elements required for their license class. will be REALLY popular with VEs...FCC too...
2: The passing score for written exams needs to be raised to 85%.
Wayyyy too low. 100%! Nothing less...
3: Code elements should be 13 wpm for General, and 20 wpm for Extra.
Wayyyy too low. 30 WPM for General, 80 WPM for Extra!
4: Make the no-code license one year non-renewable.
Make it two weeks.
It's fairly obvious you've just alienated half of your
"brotherhood"! [better armor your lead-in...]
Let's take back ham radio.
Why? Was it kidnapped? Lost along with Apollo 11 data?
BRING BACK SPARK! The very first RF transmitter in
amateur radio! Preserve the past! Honor "sparky"
Hey, "Slow," here's a better idea: Let's get you to a
cryogenic chamber and FREEZE you and your longing for
times of your youth. You want everything FROZEN, don't
you? Cool? Cool...