Brenda Ann wrote:
Say no to institutionalized interference.
Just say NO to HD/IBOC!
"get help" wrote in message
On 21 Aug 2006 17:09:28 -0700, n9ogl wrote:
get help wrote:
On Tue, 22 Aug 2006 07:07:55 +0900, Brenda Ann
Not true, absolutely. Never heard of QRP? Low power stations can go
ways, not just interSTATE but interCONTINENTAL on HF frequencies.
kiddie walkie talkies have been heard 2/3 of the way across the
country (the
old 11m CB ones) during peaks in the skip season on 11m.
Not right. Ever hear of physics? A simple calculation, based upon
the laws of wave propagation, has already been posted which shows that
the power needed to produce the size of electric field given in the
regs is on the order of MILLIWATTS; not hundreds of watts.
If "Omega One" keeps it up, they are going to get busted.
um...dumbass, you can product different wattage at a certain voltage,
if not we would have 60 to 100 WATT light bulbs plugged into 110 V, if
110V on put out on form of watt. Learn something about electricity.
um...dumbass, you are talking about power density (watts per square
meter) versus field strength (volts per meter) and that has nothing to
do with light bulbs...dumbass.
It's all interrelated. 100 watts into a 1 ohm load would put out a very
limited electrical field. (and for a very short time) I'm not sure, but I
think this is what he was trying to say: That a given voltage, the power
will change based upon changes in resistance (impedance). Of course the type
and length of antenna also figures into this equation. I guarantee you I can
run 100 watts into a tuned stub coax cable and still be well within the Part
15 specs.
That's right....The FCC is looking at the electrical field, it is the
electrical field that causes harmful interference, not the wattage, You
can run 5,000 watts into an antenna and still put out a part 15 signal,
just bury the antenna in the ground, the soil and rock will damper the
electrical field.
13.556.00 MHz LSB