get help wrote:
On Tue, 22 Aug 2006 07:07:55 +0900, Brenda Ann wrote:
Not true, absolutely. Never heard of QRP? Low power stations can go a LONG
ways, not just interSTATE but interCONTINENTAL on HF frequencies. 100mW
kiddie walkie talkies have been heard 2/3 of the way across the country (the
old 11m CB ones) during peaks in the skip season on 11m.
Not right. Ever hear of physics? A simple calculation, based upon
the laws of wave propagation, has already been posted which shows that
the power needed to produce the size of electric field given in the
regs is on the order of MILLIWATTS; not hundreds of watts.
If "Omega One" keeps it up, they are going to get busted.
Hay stoopid, this person is licensed to service commercial radio
transmitters, and I think they know ALL the laws of physics very well.