I have a 706 MKIIg in a 2003 Ranger. I don't know if this is applicable
or not but thought I'd pass it on.
How can I run Power and antennas out of vehicle to battery, antenna
mounts etc.?
Answer: In my old Ranger [1985] just below the driver side left hip
under the floor mat is a 3/4 inch drain hole with a grommet as a plug. I
released the aluminum cover from the door/mat area and lifted the mat.
Sure enough the plug was there!! I clipped out a 3/8 diameter section
from the center of the grommet and sliced one end open. After running
the necessary wires through the grommet it was reinstalled and sealed
with Coax-Seal [$3.00 at HRO].
There was no need to punch holes, drill holes, etc.
Deacon Dave, W1MCE