What is going on with this newsgroup?
"an old friend" wrote in message
DrDeath wrote:
"an old friend" bored us again in message
And how do beer enemas relate to radio, kOOk?
by being the answer to a question psoted over and over for days
how can you consume beer without drinking it?
You need to reread that thread as you have your facts wrong as usual.
one answer beer emenma
And we REALLY needed to know that. NOT!
you are such an obessive you are still going about that my sexlife BTW
something you caim you never post about
I repeat for the last time, I do not care about your sex life, take it to a
sexually related group, as it has NOTHING to do with radio.
you are kook (SLAP)
The term is kookologist. As a kook you are not allowed to call others kooks.
Good luck in the elections, I will be voting for you. Keep up the campaign.