What is going on with this newsgroup?
On Fri, 25 Aug 2006 14:27:28 -0700, an old freind did the cha-cha, and
The Demon Prince of Absurdity wrote:
On Fri, 25 Aug 2006 13:01:16 -0700, an old friend did the cha-cha, and
FreeSpeechStore wrote:
On Fri, 25 Aug 2006 10:07:52 -0700, an old friend wildly foamed:
DrDeath wrote:
"an old friend" bored us again...
And how do beer enemas relate to radio, kOOk?
by being the answer to a question psoted over and over for days
how can you consume beer without drinking it?
one answer beer emenma
you are such an obessive you are still going about that my sexlife
BTW something you caim you never post about
I think you _like_ getting slapped around.
not esp but then you are not slapping me aroudn you are a BITCHSLAP
I'll try to explain one more time.
any chance you will keep this promise BITCHSLAP
Oh, probably, Pee-Wee. If you don't get it by now, I doubt you ever will.
Oh, and don't say "kook", k00k. Or "k00k".
i'll say what I please BITCHSLAP
Yes, but then you get slapped. Who wants that? To get slapped, that is,
not to see you get slapped. Everyone(tine) wants /that/, of course. You're
so easy!
__________________________________________________ ______________________
Hail Eris! TM#5
Cardinal Snarky of the Fannish Inquisition
No one expects the Fannish Inquisition!
Vote rec.radio.amateur.policy for Busted Urinal in August 2006!
Also vote Cletis Perkins for:
Bolo Bullis Foam Duck
Unabomber Surprise
Goofy @zzed Babboon
Joseph Bartlo "Pathetic Anal Pineapple" Award