RLW wrote:
"an old friend" wrote in message
Obviously Mork Morgan has not grasped the irony and blatant intent of Slow
Code spamming this group in an attempt to show Mork an example of what he,
Mork, has been doing for months. Mork, ever the dolt, looked at the writing
on the wall AND COULDN'T READ IT!
Sure I read it and nothing surpises me
Like the congenital idiot he is, Mork decided that he MUST defend his
"honor" and reply to each and every post, including adding cross-posted
why tell tell this I don't reply to every post I select them carrefully
Mork...hint...Slow Code tried to make a point. One which sailed well over
your head. He was spoofing you, dimwit! (Sigh.)
he waas trying all he was doing was iratiating people, with NO LEGIT
yes My posting irates people making them see what the NG has become and
tey did not wat to see the thrath
too bad
Smile. Roger loves you.
nope Roger wants my body but lacks the guts to ask,
not that it would matter, he can't have it