kooks on parade
FreeSpeechStore wrote:
On Sat, 26 Aug 2006 03:20:44 +0000, Lloyd wildly foamed:
At first I thought it was rosacea, but then I realized that Mark is
regularly getting bitchslapped now. It must have him REALLY turned on. Be
It's sad, isn't it? Oh, well, could be worse. He could be a lame pedophile
& a racist, sexist homophobe, too. Though "net.KKKop" is pretty close.
no you can't slap me not without ending up dead on the floor
all you can do is type the word bitchslap completely impotent
one day you kookhood wil get real trouble when somebody takes it
it will happen kook karma assures it and you will get back far than you
ever dreamsed of geting