SMEGMA ONE: Mork Moron COntinues Threats Of Arson
an old friend wrote in other newsgroups not pertaining to Amateur
K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
RLW wrote:
"an old friend" wrote in message
Obviously Mork Morgan has not grasped the irony and blatant intent of Slow
Code spamming this group in an attempt to show Mork an example of what he,
Mork, has been doing for months. Mork, ever the dolt, looked at the writing
on the wall AND COULDN'T READ IT!
Sure I read it and nothing surpises me
So it doesn't surprise you that you're a dolt...?!?!
no kook nothing you do suprises even the fact you can't read
First of all, Morkie,. before you try to insult others about thier
literacy capabilities, YOU should be at least marginally competent in
English composition.
caese desist and grow up
Pot/Kettle/Black, fatboy.
BTW is amy fireproof?
Mark Morgan, KB9RQZ, is maki9ng threats of battery by arson.
On the disk, Morkie...Saved for posterity.
Or better yet, saved for the day your posterior get's slung.
Steve, K4YZ