is amy Fireproof Steve?
K4YZ wrote:
an Old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
BTW is amy fireproof?
Mark Morgan, KB9RQZ, is maki9ng threats of battery by arson.
is amy Fireproof Steve?
no threats here just asking the question
It's a threat.
then call the feds be sure to give your name
As perceived by the person addrtessed.
funny you claim it only works that way for
You're commiting a felony.
no I am expressing concern for public safety
On the disk, Morkie...Saved for posterity.
So if you ever decide to perpetrate any of those threats of trying
to get "justice" from Civil Air PAtrol or the Tennssee State Board of
Nursing, I have a very thorough anthoplogy of Morkisms to show them.
Or better yet, saved for the day your posterior get's slung.
not by you
You're right.
as always
By a court of law.
bring it on
is amy Fireproof Steve?
Steve, K4YZ