"Cecil Moore" wrote in message

Wayne wrote:
Why not just string a loop around the top of the highest room in the
house, and feed it with a tuner. In the past I had pretty good results
with this...not as good as a full sized outdoor antenna, but cheap and
easy to install.
One can also use more than one room. It might give a
strange shaped loop but it allows adding more wire
until resonance is achieved on the lowest frequency
of interest. I once used 2 rooms and a hall for my
2nd story loop.
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How's that for a loop? Fractal?
73, Cecil http://www.qsl.net/w5dxp
Great idea....I wish I had thought of that at the time. The biggest loop I
could get in the attic was for 15m, and it worked pretty well on 10 and 15.
On 20 it was suffering, but still useable. The one downside was that RF got
into my solid state heat/air control box and burned it up. A toroid over
the input wiring solved the problem.