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Old October 25th 03, 01:58 AM
Gary P. Fiber
Posts: n/a

On Fri, 24 Oct 2003 14:00:24 -0700, "Kirk Mohror"

I have a Moresmatic MM-1 keyer made by Advanced Electronis Applications.
First, are they still around, if not, did someone assimulate them?

Now the problem. After the keyer has been on for 1/2 to 1 hour, it will only
send A's from both sides of the paddles.
It appears to be a thermal problem because if it is turned off for a while,
it works fine till it "heats" up again.


Kirk Mohror

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AEA is out of business. Timewave Technology purchased the data
controller products. Tempo purchased the antenna analyzer products.
Most of AEA other products died when they went out of business a few
years ago. Seems to me about 1998. It would not hurt to check with
Timewave at to see if they are or know of someone who
repairs the AEA keyer line.

Gary K8IZ
Washington State Resident
Registered Linux User # 312991