an old friend continues the Goebblesque dodges:
K4YZ wrote:
1. There is NO verification available that such an exchange
ever existed through any referencable third-party source,
nor any other proof that Major Dud ever made such an
There doesn't need to be, Lennie..
admting there is no evedence ?
What's "evedence", Mork...?
Morkie himlself confirmed that his "HMC 47th CSB" unit was bogus.
no I did not you just lied about about it agian
Sure you've lied about it.
You get so anxious to "respond" to posts, ya dimwit", that you've
repeatedly made the same stupid errors over and over again.
You've done it so long now that you even have yourself believing
your own BS, Morkie!
Remainder of Lennie Rant Snipped due to lack of relevent and
factual context.
In other words...More LennieLies
nah just more steve ####
Nope...LennieLies, Morkie.
They were under Lennie's headers...Not mine.
Steve, K4YZ