On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 23:31:45 GMT, Magik
Awww, Please dont cry ! I, 2E1TNT am here to help you.
an Ex Military operator, Capable of 25wpm after a 30 minute warm up :-)
also a member of the "Phoenix Radio Club"
ah at last, the recruitment officer has found someone.
But wait !....You say that you want to learn "more" about morse code !
Does this mean you already know some morse code ? How much do you know ?
5wpm perhaps ? or even 12wpm ?
u OBVIOULSY havent been reading this newsgroup very long, have you?
I can teach you as much morse code as you like, BUT I can not teach you
to transmit at 25wpm. To do that you will have to stop whining on this NG
and spend the wasted time on PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE.
u OBVIOULSY havent been reading this newsgroup very long, have you?
Phil 2E1TNT
Phoenix Radio Club
Only a novice licence for someone who claims to be
"an Ex Military operator, Capable of 25wpm"
and a 2e1 to boot....
if youre soooo good at morse how come you didnt go for your 2e0 ???
(after all, you did the theory part (and the practical??) )
Anyone who could do 25wpm (after a warm up) could have certanly
sleep-walked a 5wpm test.