I just got a used Butternut HF6V in great shape for a great price.
type of anti-sieze do I need to put between the sections of aluminum
tubing ???
Is automotive anti-sieze OK ??? I don't think that it is electrically
conductive. Do I need something like electricians use when they connect
aluminum service entrance cable to the breaker box ??? I think that
stuff is
called Penetrox. Is something like that available at Home Depot ???
Piggy-backing off this thread, please: When I was an EMI technician some
years ago, we used conductive anti-seize on (most) hardware that was in a
conductive path, such as grounding straps. I was surprised to discover that
some/most anti-seize is non-conductive; you can daub some kinds on the
benchtop and stick ohmmeter probes in it -- nothing happens. I figured with
its metal content, surely it would all be conductive, but not so.
I have no idea what implications this has for the OP's Butternut and would
welcome comments.