finaly figured it out the meow is just Paul effort to insure the his moderated nNG gets launched
On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 10:08:57 +1000, Otaku wrote
in alt.usenet.kooks:
On that fabled day of 31 Aug 2006, Daryl Hunt blessed Usenet with hir
wisdom in :
I suggest that everyone that the AUKk00ks have been chasing (yes,
group mission k00k posters are real, Alice) join me in
alt.usenet.kooks and help me trash the place. WE can have our own
elections, chase the k00ks that are chasing kooks around, watch them
try and avoid our rocking chairs with their tails, it will be
Looks like a Tinfoil Sombrero candidate, to me.
I don't think he can get a TS merely for making empty threats to
increase the Sacred Poast Count. Tim Brown set the bar for the TS
award, and the bar remains high.
PJR :-)
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