Request opinions on Hickok 230 for Guitar Amp Repair
J.P. wrote:
You're the second person,so far, that has suggested I get a scope
first. What scopr would you suggest. I like name brands but am not
stuck on them. I just want accurate readings.
You won't get accuracy with a scope. That's okay. You use a scope for
qualitative measurements most of the time.
So buy whatever you find that is cheap. You don't need dual trace. You
don't need more than a MHz or so bandwidth at best. Tektronix made some
fine scopes, but a $10 Heathkit from a hamfest will be just fine for fixing
audio gear.
You will want a signal generator too. The HP200CD is decent and shows up
cheaply at hamfests.
As far as tube testers go, you want a real transconductance tester, and
you want to make sure it can handle typical audio power tubes. So look
on the chart for 6550s and 6CA7s and if they are there, you're good to
go. Most of what you'll use a tube tester for is matching tubes anyway.
Finding bad tubes is usually a lot easier to do by swapping and checking
voltages. And for the most part, small signal tubes don't fail much
so you're mostly worried about power tubes.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."