Need a single antenna solution for an IC-R3 receiver
Hello Bob,
Your suggestion will very likely increase the reception at MW and lower
HF. It will probably not increase reception at VHF and UHF.
I am not familiar with your receiver, but when you connect a long wire
directly to the input, the receiver may be overloaded (check with the
attenuator). Also transient phenomena (for example lighting) may damage
the input circuitry.
I use an OAR 8200 "DC to light" receiver, but in Europe (Netherlands)
it is unusable with a wire (strong overload), I made a tunable filter.
The disadvantage of the filter is that when I change band, I have to
retune the filter. For VHF I use a flat plate dipole optimized for 110
to 170 MHz (made of wire mesh). For wide band coverage from VHF to UHF,
you could use a discone antenna. Also here you may experience overload
problems when you are close the a transmitter.
A complete other option is to use a wide band active antenna, Maybe you
can find a design that runs from long wave to VHF based on a FET. Here
you also may experience overload problems
I hope this will help you