Hi Terry,
Yes, I would like to copy your setup. I like the idea of elliptical
filter and the precision detector driving a nice amplifier. I'll try to
get it all on a small express pcb board. I looked at the Dallas
Lankford filter and wasn't sure a headphone jack would drive the filter
because the filter was terminated in 8 ohms. If I scale the caps and
inductors for say a 100 ohm termination then the inductance values go
up by the same factor. I suppose the currents go down by the same
factor, so it should actually all wash out out in the physical size of
the parts. Anyway, for now the present project is a loop for
broadcast and 75m. I'm leaving at the end of the month for a MW /75m
DXpedition over to the left coast, and need to prepare antennas for
that trip.
Tell Will thanks for mentioning me and my address is
I look forward to the project.
N9NEO wrote:
Will told me that in the synch detector group you requested some info
regarding my experiences with various audio amps for SW applications.
Please post a valid email addy there and I will send you the same info
I sent Dallas Lankford.
Graphics, diagrams, can't be posted in a text group and I don't/won't
have a web page.