shortwave ABSOLUTE BEGINNER: antenna with stereo jack cable?
Hi there,
I really don't know much about shortwave / DX, but I have bought the
Siemens RK 661 (Sangean 808) some weeks ago. Now I have time to use it
an get used to it.
So it works best with an external antenna. I have a compact antenna
from Grundig (came with a YB400), but this don't work very good. Now i
tested a lot and found out that it works pretty good with a normal
stereo jack extension cable (4 meters), that I put on some good
positions in my room.
Is this a known "antenna trick"? I mean, I don't know anything about
shortwave antennas, so I would like to know if - with this kind of
nearly NO effort - there is another way to improve this solution I
found a little? or ist this already all I can do, if I don't want (and
can't) build a "real" antenna.
thank you!