Don't believe everything Markie says.inded you should not butyou can't belive anything Slow Code says
Roger Wiseman AB8MQ, posing as "Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote:
an old fraud wrote:
Slow Code wrote:
"an old friend" wrote in
Slow Code wrote:
Dumbing down ham radio *ain't* modernizing.
no one is dumbing it down exept the likes of yourself
Mark is just lazy.
Why do you want to dumb down ham radio Mark,
I don't want to dumb it down i want to stop the silly frat house ****
you advocate
What the hell do you know about real "frat houses", you illiterate
moron, besides when you watch a rerun of "Animal House" on TV? You
sure were never in a real frat house at any time.
Does Belmont Tech have fraternities, UnWiseman?
What fraternity rushed you?
Dave K8MN