Looking for free online scanner freq database for non trunked freqs.
On Mon, 04 Sep 2006 13:33:56 GMT, The Polish-Kraut
On Sun, 03 Sep 2006 11:21:14 -0600, gray-beard
They are free to join. They ask for a donation to get the files to
upload to the popular trunked scanners. But the databases are free.
To join it is only $2.50 a month. Very cheap considering you may spend
that much daily at 7-11 for a cup of coffee in the morning and a
big-gulp later in the day.
Not free then IS IT !!!
Free to join the forums, free to access the database - which IS what
the OP asked for - frequencies.
Not free to run an ARC program and automatically download the data.
But, then, neither is the ARC program.