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Old November 11th 03, 12:20 AM
Bob Stein
Posts: n/a

Dan/W4NTI wrote:
There are lots of folks running the 'rice boxes'. I can attest by using the
following rigs to got results.

Yaesu FT-101 series.
Kenwood Twins

Newer rigs such as the FT-1000MP does fine also, and the new Kenwood TS-2000
sound good.

Running AM is fun, but you don't get the 'full effect' unless it smells
funny and once in a while catches fire.

"Real radios glow in the dark"


"Paul Clay" wrote in message

Do any of the solid state rigs from the mid-80s to present put out a
good AM signal? If so, which ones? Is the conventional wisdom true
that only by resurrecting a boatanchor tube transmitter can an operator
get a nice sounding AM signal?


It may be fun, but it is also inconsiderate unless on a little used
band. It takes up at least twice the spectrum of an SSB signal, and
possibly more - hardly necessary given crowded band conditions. Not to
mention the off-frequency heterodynes.

Just two cents worth from an old timer (licensed for nearly 65 years)
and brought up on AM.

Bob, W6NBI

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