catfish2006 wrote:
HUGE SNIP...Thanks, Catfish, for the anaolgy of MorkiePosts)
Markie Moron Morgan at homo dot nut (Markie Moron Morgan) wrote in message
From: K4YZ - view profile
Date: Thurs, Jul 14 2005 2:16 pm
Email: "K4YZ"
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AIDS: (as it applies to Mark Morgan, KB9RQZ
Just a lesson for you, Markie...
Since you like to make up "definitions" as you go...there's one of
my own.
See how doing so confuses the reader and the conversation...?!?!
Now...back to the ususal rants.......
You always try to "remind" everyone I claimed you have AIDS, but
just like the current series of out-of-context misquotes you've been
persuing, you never cite the claim IN CONTEXT.
Just thought I'd remind you.
Also serves to remind you that when people are talking in a
certain group on a certain subject, all parties need to have the same
set of accepted terms for any meaning.
Your continued practice of "making up" definitions and meanings as
you go only serves to prove what an idiot you are.
As if we needed more evidence.
Steve, K4YZ