More Morkie Misquoting Mayhem
nobodys old freind wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
What it's like to lick my excrement off of another man's genitals"sayth
Robeson steve has been quoted exactly but can't face his own words
Morkie's been busted quoting out of context and misrepresenting
the truth.
But then Morkie's never had any problems with behing dishonest.
It's only implication in this context is your idiotic
misinterpretation of simple English, Morkie.
if you had left out the word "my" you woluld have a point but you did
The 'problem', Morkie, is in you trying to take one sentence out
of a paragraph and make that the whole issue.
You look stupid doing it, but then that's something else you've
never had a problem doing...Humiliating yourself in public.
the only inferences are that you have been sodmized or that you enage
in the fetish or ####ing on mmens gentials or that YOU ####ed the use
of English and lack the moral courage to admit it
Morkie, you continue to try and use one sentence out of a greater
It doesn't work.
you might want to try backing down before someone passes the original
note to your wife
I have "the original note" here, wherein I specifically state that
I conceed that you will always know two things that I will never know.
What it's like to lick my excrement off of an other man's genitals and
the going rates for welfare recipients in Michigan.
Now you can go ahead and misquote THAT too, but it will still be
as stupid looking as the one you've been doing all this week.
I hear that that IS in the works
Be my guest.
Steve, K4YZ