Hello Danwa1456:
Look up the Murs Radio Service, on Google or what ever search engine ya got.
It has 5 VHF frequencies, with no FCC license needed, allowed low power
use, of 2 watts. But the 2 watts works well with good antennas. We get
30 to 40 miles on Murs base stations here in the Mojave Desert.
I went Quail Hunting and we got 3 to 5 miles with no problem over
different locations and such, with the low cost modified 2 meter hand
held radios on low power.
I carry a extra battery when hunting. And have a 12 volt cigarette
adapter that will charge the hand held radios while in the truck drive
to a hunting location, or charge them over night in the truck.
GMRS we tried and didn't like the short range that came with these cheap
**** mass produced goof ball radios.
The VHF radios will cost more but will work much better. I picked up a
few used older VHF hand held radios from the local Motorola Commercial
Radio Dealer for real cheap. Extra batteries, antennas, and chargers.
Also on E-bay.
I have the kid tear up the local ecology on his dirt bike, he carries a
VHF Hand Held Radio, and I can keep track of him and his friends with a
base radio, using just a few watts.
Jay in the Mojave
Hey, I know this is CB territory, but the activity is high and you guys
this stuff.
Want to hook up a nice high antenna to allow us to keep in contact with
the kids up
at the cabin. I understand height is almost everything but I can't
find a cheap
5 wattish radio that has a antenna mount and power supply. Is there
I expect the antenna/cable to cost about $200. ??
I also assume, that with an elevated antenna, I'll need a GMRS license.
Any comments welcome. Thanks