cmdr buzz corey wrote:
On 9 Aug 2006 20:30:59 -0700, "cmdr buzz corey"
an old idiot wrote:
Part 97 does not define Ham radio, Part 97 defines the rules
WE define Ham radio
And again your compete ignorance springs fourth to show you for the
total moronic half-wit you are. But then, what's new?
§97.3 Definitions.
(4) Amateur service. A radiocommunication service for the purpose of
self-training, intercommunication and technical investigations carried
out by amateurs, that is, duly authorized persons interested in radio
technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest.
your poitn
We defeine Ham radio the FCC merely defines the rules we must obey in
doing so
Get a six-year-old to read and explain to you part 97.3 (Definitions),
subpart (4) where it DEFINES the Amateur service, note the word
service, nowhere does it say hobby.
Try not to look so ignorant.
You still around "Buzz Corey?" Your amateur TV show got
cancelled decades ago. Crawl back in the kinescope.
"Buzz," try looking at ALL of Title 47 C.F.R. You will find
(probably in horror to your self-righteousness) that ALL
Parts refer to a Radio SERVICE. Even CB is Citizens Band
Radio SERVICE! So is Radio Control Radio SERVICE!
The word "service" in Title 47 is a regulatory term denoting
a type and kind of radio use.
Look further in the "definitions and purpose" and you will see that
amateur radio is defined as "non-essential communications" and
"without pecuniary interest." THAT makes it "amateur."
Nowhere in Part 97, Title 47 C.F.R. does the FCC ever refer to
"ham" radio. According to the FCC (in a rare show of honesty)
"ham" was a pejorative applied to amateurs by professional
Was that too hard for you to understand? Shall we get a
5-year-old to explain it to YOU?