The Pundit Parade: Times and Frequencies
Telamon wrote:
Confused nut cases, drug abusers
Uh - oh ... have you been reading my mind?
Several things I've noticed about Chuck Harder ...
1) In the last year or so, Harder's speech on the air has been
alternately slow and slurred, like he's drunk. He sounds confused, and
asks the same questions over and over again. He can't remember basic
facts, like names, dates, and the big news events of the past 40 years
or so.
2) Harder constantly mentions crack cocaine during his conversations
with his guests, even if it's totally out of context. I've known - and
do know - folks on meth, Oxy-Contin, and Fenatyl who behave exactly the
same way. They condemn crack addicts, sometimes in racial terms, but
think it's all right to be strung out on their stuff.
3) Harder continually complains about the tactics of law enforcement,
especially the number of people in the U.S. who are in prison; he
mentions friends of his who were busted for a couple ounces of pot or a
few pills - while rich folks like Rush Limbaugh get away with "doctor
4) It's interesting that Harder does not take calls from listeners
anymore; he hasn't done so for almost two years. Is it possible that
he's too "zonked out" for whatever reason to handle the hurly-burly of
your average two-way conversation?
5) Re Rush Limbaugh's "doctor shopper" scandal in late 2003: right
after that happened, Chuck Harder's affiliate station count plummeted,
and by New Year's Day 2005, his network, Liberty Broadcasting, had gone
out of business. Is it possible that "For The People" stations knew
something weird about Harder and did not want a Limbaugh-style
embarrassment - for the same reasons?
6) Harder has always steadfastly condemned drug testing, especially
mandatory drug testing; instead of using the libertarian argument about
excessive government intrusion, Harder opposes drug testing on a sort
of George Orwellian basis. He repeatedly said he would never, never,
never submit to a drug test. WHY?
I am not accusing Chuck Harder of anything here; these may all be
benign and mean nothing at all. But they are all more than a bit
suspicious, don't you think?
In the words of Fox News Channel (the only TV channel besides VOD
movies and the Three Stooges I watch consistently), "we report, you
decide." Another quote, from Bruce Willis in "Armaggeddon": "Make the
Have fun ...