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Old November 20th 03, 02:05 PM
Paul Vanasse
Posts: n/a

"George" wrote in message
Hi OMs,
Can anyone compare these two radios? I look for some little, mainly HF
radio, in my new very limited space of life :-(
Up till now I've used FT990 + home brew 400 watts PA. I prefer DX-ing
(CW & SSB)and I hope to work the last 2 countries (3Y0/B and VU4) using
some of these little rigs.
Thanks for the serious advice,
George, SP2BRZ.

Hello George:

Go with the FT-857. The receive audio blows the Icom 706 MkIIG away. Ive
owned both radios and have done side by side comparisons. There is a huge
difference from a "radio" perspective.

The menu system on the Icom is somewhat more logically designed than the
Yaesu however Im more concerned with the TX/RX capabilities of a radio as
compared to the stupid toys that hardly anyone uses.

PS: I use an FT-990 w a Clear Speech DSP and a small amp at the home QTH and
I wouldn't trade the combination for anything (at least for now).