Not to mention, the Beacons, used to determine
when, and where to , are all CW . The beacon
band is 50.060-50.080, in the U.S., and other
beacons from other places are located elsewhere.
usually in the cw portion of 6 meters.
for a list of them-- Jim NN7K
Caveat Lector wrote:
CW on six meters is live and well. Many use it to make weak signal contacts
where SSB is too weak. During the peak sporadic E season -- lots of CW
activity across the USA and some DX.
I hear very little CW practice QSO's. but it is a wide band - so lots of
room for that. For skip, the band can drop in and out rapidly - so CW
practice would best be accomplished by Line-Of-Sight, make a sked with a
local and pick a frequency below the 50.090 CW Calling Freq -- for freq
useage see URL:
During contests -- lots of CW Contacts also.
For info on when the band is open -- see URL:
More on six meters at URL: