Heathkit SB-401 LMO Experts?
Chuck Harris wrote:
I have a couple of those LMO's if all else fails, but expect that as the
other poster suggests, a drop of WD-40 would cure your problem.
I would bet you are right about that!
WD-40 will loosen up the old grease, but after a while it will evaporate
and just congeal again. I recommend first using WD-40 or something similar
to get the old gunk out, and maybe a naptha soak if you want to pull it
apart. Get all of that out, then try something like Permatex Superlube
spray to get some new lubricant in there.
WD-40 is a great solvent and water dispersal agent, but it's a lousy
lubricant and it eventually evaporates and leaves gummy varnish behind.
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