Let's say I break into your house
On Fri, 15 Sep 2006 18:54:00 -0400, jim wrote
in :
Good post Frank though I'd like to add that Bush is courting the Latino
& Black vote with his choices of Rice, Gonzalez and less recently
Powell. With that its still the rich white male society that makes the
decisions that really matter sorry to say.
Well, Bush isn't the president because he's smart. The real wealth and
power are held by the people in the shadows behind him. Just like
Reagan, he's the charismatic false-front that was used to install the
current power brokers. He was selected, based on his race and gender,
by the same power brokers that selected Powell, Rice, Gonzalez, and a
few others (including a female SCOTUS candidate). It's all a political
dog-and-pony show.
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