jim wrote:
Steveo wrote:
jim wrote:
Steveo wrote:
jim wrote:
Steveo wrote:
jim wrote:
Steveo wrote:
Lindsay Lohan's shaved snatch
Oh my!
Imagine guys are lining up to see that? yak
Imagine guys lining up to poke that. Yak.
Imagine she's not too happy about the cooter being out of the box, so
to speak. Yak
Some on this board wouldn't be too interested in seeing that or
anything remotely like it.
I'm not too happy to see it either actually, that's why I titled it
Friday boner kill. 
Flash flood warning up for here which sucks as its gonna kill the
vineyards which kills the tourists. Dont like the upislanders but they
help keep this place rural in a round about way.
Well hell that blows for youin's. Hopefully you won't actually flood
and be able to shrug it off as another false alarm. It's been drizzling
for two days in a row over here. Mid-next week's high temps are only
forecast for the 50's. The seasons are changing big time now. I kinda
like it.
temps are changing, bass are running, i'll be fishing. took off three
days this week to fish but the riptides were running which ruined any
Yeah well we have to take the bad with the good I suppose. I bake my back
outside during the growing season so this comes as a nice reprieve over
here..year after year after year. Glad to hear the fishing prospects are
improving inland. The pan-fish are fired up here now, crappie and perch.