Endfeed vertical halfvawe antenna
How do all these various matching schemes affect bandwidth?
Tom Donaly, KA6RUH
For the "L", it depends on the Q of the "L" network. You're not in charge
of that, you have to take the Q that the transform gives you. With a
constant inductor value, I can get pretty close to 1:1 clear across the band
just by varying the capacitor value for the frequency. Of course, if you
don't have any adjustable "C", YMMV. I'd think you need to get to a pretty
high frequency before you didn't have to add "C" to whatever exists, but the
big advantage of Voltage feed is that the current to the "Ground" is
minimal. When you don't know that your ground is zero Ohms, you're better
off putting as little current into it as possible.