You're not a real ham if you want the ARS to sound like CB.
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September 18th 06, 03:15 PM posted to,,,
Not Cocksucker Lloyd
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,294
You're not a real ham if you want the ARS to sound like CB. It already does around here mostly silent another blast from th recent past
Barry OGrady wrote:
On 14 Sep 2006 05:56:16 -0700,
On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 21:14:47 -0400, Al Klein
On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 16:37:50 -0400,
On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 15:57:55 -0400, Al Klein
the knowledg is of no value to most of those people either
I'm glad to know that you've been appointed to speak for them but, if
you don't mind, I'd rather hear it from them.
you have heard from the appointed legel representives and you did not
listen to them either
Oh? I didn't know that we legally appointed "representatives" to tell
us what people think. Who, pray tell, are these telepathic
but indeed enlight me
what value is derived from the knowledge that an occiclaotr is
colpitss type or hartley
Plenty of value to those who have to work with oscillators of various
types. It's difficult to design a circuit when you have no
understanding of it.
what value is gained by knowing the name of the cirut
What's a "cirut?" You are so stupid, Markie, anybody can see why you
can't pass the General theory exam.
I can bet you didn't pass the no code tech until about after 20 times
of trying to pass it.
He failed the code part of the no code test.
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