Top posting. One solvent that does not bother solenoids, and is an
excellent cleaner is transmission fluid. It does not bother rubber tubing
either, and is not very expensive. I do remember tape punches, and wish
you pleasure with yours.
One irradiated spray bottle full of it, from your local hardware store and
auto parts store should suffice.
Ancient_Hacker writes:
: I have two mostly complete BRPE tape punches. You know, the old ones
: rated to go somewhare arounf 100 CPS.
: Problem is they've been sitting for a few decades and all the
: mechanical parts are all stuck with Aunt Jemima's tty Oil and Pancake
: Syrup it seems. There's no way the little levers are going to flick at
: 100 cps! Can barely flick them by finger in about a second.
: I've tried squirting various solvents into the rats nest-o-levers.
: Helped a lot but several are still very sluggish.
: I'd dip it all in TCE but I don't think the solenoids would like that.
: Unles anybody has some ideas, I'm going to rig a little aquarium pump
: to trickle solvent through the maze-o-levers for a week or so or until
: the levers loosen up. Then again, the solvent might dissolve the pump
: and tubing so I end up with plastic glop all over the critical parts.
: Any ideas appreciated.
/"\ Jim
--Sylvania, Ohio, USA
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