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Old September 19th 06, 12:45 AM posted to,,,,sci.electronics.basics
Michael A. Terrell Michael A. Terrell is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 398
Default SolderSmoke #32: HW101 (clutch) FT-101, CONNECTORS, 3RD ORDER,ENIGMA,

Brian Hill wrote:

"The Professor" wrote in message

"Michael A. Terrell" wrote in message
The Professor wrote:

stop spamming the group asshole.

Thanks for your spam, Professor. I forwarded it to:
to see what they think of your CB linears.

You are the most clueless asshole in the group and you didn't forward
anything to anyone you whiner.

It's a 10 meter amp if you must know..... LOL
Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214

Go swab the dick asshole.

Griffey! Why are you always such a socially inept spaz?


20 generations of imbreeding tend to do that to rednecks.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida