gooped up BRPE tape punches DO NOT USE PB BLASTER !
I love that stuff for breaking up rust .
But right on the can is a description of how well it melts a styrofoam cup.
It will melt rubber and plastic.
D O N O T U S E P. B. B L A S T E R for this project - you
will be sorry!
"Scott Dorsey" wrote in message
Ancient_Hacker wrote:
I have two mostly complete BRPE tape punches. You know, the old ones
rated to go somewhare arounf 100 CPS.
Problem is they've been sitting for a few decades and all the
mechanical parts are all stuck with Aunt Jemima's tty Oil and Pancake
Syrup it seems. There's no way the little levers are going to flick at
100 cps! Can barely flick them by finger in about a second.
I've tried squirting various solvents into the rats nest-o-levers.
Helped a lot but several are still very sluggish.
I'd dip it all in TCE but I don't think the solenoids would like that.
Unles anybody has some ideas, I'm going to rig a little aquarium pump
to trickle solvent through the maze-o-levers for a week or so or until
the levers loosen up. Then again, the solvent might dissolve the pump
and tubing so I end up with plastic glop all over the critical parts.
Any ideas appreciated.
I'd suggest PB Blaster. It's a good penetrating oil, it will get in
between everything and at least have some solvent action. Hit it with
the PB blaster, cover it, leave it for a couple days, then start trying
to flush gunk out with naptha.
Consider using something like a high-grade turbine oil so that it doesn't
gum up so easily next time. The Zoom-Spout oil from Ace Hardware is fine,
and about equivalent to Castrol OC-11. Another good choice is the Royal
Purple Synfilm 32, which is a much stronger solvent than typical petroleum
oils of the same viscosity and is my first pick on old gear that may have
residual glop left in there.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."