KB9RQZ Says Learning Code is EASY!
nobodys old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
to whom it concern
Maj Steven J Robeson of the CAP has enaged in a multi effort at libbel
and fraud
Nope, Maj Steven J Robeson of the CAP has NOT.
You keep trying to implicate CAP in this, Morkie.
he claims none of of chrages are dispoven by and therefore are not
So far, they aren't.
his charge that I am married to man has been proven false by his
refusaul to accept the proof offered contact with her father
Nope. It's proven false by your refusal to post a photo proving
his charge that I am not a High School gradate is disporven by the ere
existance of the following email address only
avable to those that have been students in the IU system
Still not proof. It only means you might know someone at
Information Systems who got you an address.
Maj Robeson likes to claim that his alleged combat expernces are
confirmed by giveing the names of unit that do not seem to exist in the
present accordingly
Names of units that don't exist presently?
WHAT are you talking about, fatboy...?!?!
I've not been on Active Duty since May of 1992!
I offer as proof of MY service in the US armed the following HMC 47 CSB
(provisiona Ft Sill OK
Still no evidence.
Robeson like to pretend he the victum of malious attack when it is
clear to any reader RRAP that he has been the agressor lbaeling most of
the peopl he run accross
Nopt everyone in RRAP feels that way, Morkie.
However even your "friends" consider YOU an "###hole", witness the
words of Brian P Burke on several occassions.
as child mmolestor or homsexaul or crimimnals of other kinds
Maj Robeson is also fond of making death theath both expressed and
Still regurgitating The Big Lie, Morkie.
Reichsminister Goebbels would be proud.
he difately write novvella lengthdiarabs against his choosen victum
he conspries in these vendaats with Roger Wisemen apearing in varios
assumed names since Wisemns own as been blackened by his own deeds
So far, Morkie, You've only succeeded in demonstrating your
paranoia and outlandish behaviour.
You need to get BACK into counselling, Mork.
And allow me to remind you of your CURRENT screw-up!
Message-ID: .com
KB9RQZ Said: "oh learning code is easy"
There you have it, folks! Morkie says learning code is easy!
Quoted Word For Word!
Steve, K4YZ