Gerritsen Sentenced
The sociopaths have run rrap, starting when Roger
showed up. If you take anything serious here, you need
to change your way of thinking. Roger changes things.
Wherever he shows up on the net, the parade of societal
misfits is not far behind him. If you want a near perfect
model of how to deal with the fruits & nuts here, you have
no furter to look than Dave Heil. Anyone who is a regular
reader here knows the depraved filth that Roger has hurled
at Dave Heil & his xyl. Watch how Dave responds, that is
when he choses to respond to Roger. Better yet, if you can't
stand the heat, get out of the kitchen and turn off rrap.
No one should let the crap here get to you, especially
vanilla comments like "who cares." You must have an
awful thin skin Paul.