Look at the following web site for related info:
Although a monobander and two elements both driven the info might aid in any
evaluations you may have to make. By the way, driving both elements
provides a 50 ohm match See
"Edmund H. Ramm" wrote in message
In "denton"
I am thinking of making an 80 meter delta loop, fed at the top with coax
with a matching network at the bottom for 80 thru 10 meters.
Am wondering if this is feasable....any ideas?
While not exactly the same, I can confirm that an 80m Guywire Pyramid,
fed via open-wire line and a balanced coupler at the centre pole's bottom,
works like a charm from 160 through 10m.
73, Eddi ._._.
e-mail: dk3uz AT darc DOT de | AMPRNET:
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Linux/m68k, the best U**x ever to hit an Atari!