'Stripping' Enamel Wire.
Where I once worked..we used a chemical stripper that we brushed on
fine enamel wire.
The insulating enamel would then wipe off. Earl VE3AB
Jim Flanagan wrote:
Does anyone have any better method for stripping small, enameled
wire, other than using sandpaper or an exacto knife (scrapping)?
There used to be a chemical stripper called 'Xvar', years ago.
This stuff worked great. Nasty stuff as you can imagine and has
been EPA'd years ago. Is there anything comparable, today?
Also, a retired technician that I once knew had a pair of ingenious
'stripper pliers' that he had acquired back in the '60s that did
a fabulous job. These pliers had special jaws that would scrape the
enamel off without nicking the wire. They worked GREAT. Supposedly,
this tool originated from a mfg in Germany. I have never seen this tool
since. Anyone have a lead on something similar?
Thanks and take care.